Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jack Conte

I frequent infrequently. It's one way of finding that diamond in the rough without all the mining.  At Digg, you let other miners, or Digg'ers (ha!) do it for you.  Usually they digg things like pictures, movies and articles.  Less often do they digg music.  But today they dugg Jack Conte and I checked it out.  

What's great about this video, disregarding the actual music for a second, is the different pieces of footage detailing his recording of the song.  He does EVERYTHING: vocals, rhythm guitar, bass, drums, piano, keyboard. Presumably he even produced, filmed and directed the music video.  All from what looks like a dorm room (and I thought watching TV was cool!).  For that reason alone I have to at least give this guy a chance.  I haven't come a conclusion on the actual music yet, which is why I'm tossing it to The Shanty for the final verdict.

An added bonus.  This guy covers Gorillaz.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sweet man! thanks rustic, that's a rustic nation you've been building isn't it?
