Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Children Think of The Beatles

From the mouths of babes...

There’s one last thing to find out: what these children think about the Beatles after such extended exposure to them. Unfortunately, the panel’s powers of speech have been exhausted. The most I can get out of them is that The Beatles are “very good”. But the following day Otto’s friend Willard, an articulate nine-year-old, comes over. I play Norwegian Wood, A Day in the Life, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds and Helter Skelter to the boys. After careful consideration, Willard explains the Beatles’ place in society today.

“Now it’s all about the pop and the urban,” he tells me. “This is the time for Lady Gaga and Beyoncé. The age of rock has gone, but you can still put on Helter Skelter for the old geezers and enjoy it. Actually, The Beatles’ songs are much better than the modern songs.”

“The Beatles are great,” concludes Otto, with the conviction of someone who knows about these things. “The modern songs are a pile of dog c**p.”

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