Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bystander Effect Up Close

The following post is by request from Paul, unable to post himself since he's out of town and by Friday's return he'll have forgotten. Warning, it's also kind of a downer.

It shall be hard to follow along with this post considering it is not about media, technology, or music. I apologize from the outset. So for the second time I watched a man beat the fuck, and I mean beat the fuck, out of a woman as they drove down 5th street, a very popular tourist street in San Diego (think 6th street in austin texas, broadway in NYC, or even Howard St in Omaha). As this is my second instance of watching domestic abuse inside a car take place while I casually walk down the street, I feel as though I am an old hand in my response. I ran to the street, tried to catch the license but was unable so all i was able to tell the cops was a white ford suv heading away from the convention center. Men, it was horrible, i can still hear the fearful screams of anguish emanating from that car as it erratically drove away. Scott, you too unfortunately know the emotional effect that this has on a witness. What was worse for me the second time, though was the bystander effect in full display. As I along with at least 100 other pedestrians take notice I was the only one to take action, to give more than a passing glance. most people looked and then continued walking. i do believe i was the only person that called the police, that was outwardly disturbed by this scene, and otherwise gave it more than a passing moments' consideration. I'd like to think that I saved another Kitty Genovese, i doubt, but calling the police helped me sleep easier at night and wash out those wretched screams I still can recall.

1 comment:

  1. Rarely does The Shanty ever attempt to handle these kinds of issues. A ballsy post.
