Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kinda Gross

Hey folks!  Haven't been able to spend a spell at The Shanty for a little bit.  Some great music being tossed around, though.  Like Cotton Jones!  There's a find, huh?  I wish I had some music to share, but unfortunately all I have right now is a bit o' truth to lay on you.  It's a hard pill to swallow, so the squeamish may want to turn away now.  Here it goes.

You swallow spiders in your sleep.  Though the numbers vary with who you talk to (like 2 or less than 1), recent events have confirmed that it does happen.  There are lots of folks who claim that this is an urban legend, that is has no basis in fact, an absurdity that only internet gullibles believe.  Well, it's not.

I can prove it.  Just this past weekend it happened to me.  I swallowed a spider while at the Pedaler's Jamboree.  After nearly 35 miles of pedaling, drinking and eating it was time for sleeping.  I woke up the next day and my throat kinda hurt.  Here's what I found...

A fucking spider bite on the back of my throat!  Yea, you swallow spiders in your sleep.  It may not happen to everyone.  It may only happen in certain circumstances.  But it happens.  And when it happens, you better hope that the spider's not a fighter.  Fuck spiders.