Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Carini - Welcome Back

From "It is difficult to imagine any other Phish song accumulating as much hype and lore in so short a time as has “Carini.” It had a big rookie season back in 1.0, eventually entered the rotation as a consistent first-set shredder, and then in 3.0 emerged as a dependable jam monster."

It continues: "At a time in Phish’s history when Type II jams in unexpected places were very hard to come by, [its breakout performance opening the second set in Worcester on 6/7/12] was a very welcome development indeed. Other standout versions emerged, and by 2013 (particularly in the fall), “Carini” was arguably the most dependable jam vehicle in the toolbox, spawning several very different but very satisfying excursions."

 I only bring this up because A) I feel like I'm discovering this song for the first time. It starts off so weird, and probably so off-putting to so many people. And I always want more. Can't get away from it. And B) it's story kind of mimics my view of the band right now. So much history and so much lore. So many dependable, different, and satisfying excursions.

No relation to what I hope is a 3.0 emergence of The Shanty Blog. Not sure why you're even thinking that. No lore, hype, or welcome developments here;) Don't leave me hanging here guys...

1 comment:

  1. I suggest a smidge of stripper salt to support subsequent sessions of this song.
