Thursday, October 1, 2009


OK, these dudes are a little different, but given a fair chance you might just dig it. Here is "Golden Phone," which sounds best with some strong bass.


  1. I dig it. As I was listening to that, I thought to myself would I have given this a chance four years ago. Probably not. Who knows what is happening to us, but I think its a good thing, right?

  2. Dude, I don't know. If I was in my car with the radio on scan and this number came on, I would have probably switched it after 30 seconds. I've listened to it like 4 times now, and I just can't get into it.

    I listened to it with heavy bass.
    I listened to it without the face.
    I listened to it in the dark,
    But man it falls below the mark.

    There, I just became more talented than these guys.

  3. Gonna have to disagree with you there Rusty. After reading your half-assed lyrics I went back and listened to it again, and I like it even more now. If you're so great, you should get yourself a buck-toothed he/she and a hot chick and crank out a record.

    Didn't think so :)

  4. There are maybe 20 seconds or so where this song gets good. Right around 1:19 all the way until 1:37, right before the bad noise starts up again. Same with 2:16 to 3:24. It's like they want me to start thinking they're good, only to laugh and cry loudly, "SEE! Told you we were awful! You didn't think we could actually keep that interesting stuff up, could you?!?"

    Something like that, anyway.
